We work with growing companies to implement logistics technology and get them live!
These logos may be utilized when referencing GoBlock in media. The name GoBlock, and the logo, are filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Therefore, all logos should show the (TM) as provided for in the logo file.
Logos may be resized to fit need. When resizing, the entire logo should stay in tact.
When writing the word GoBlock, it is to be written as one word, without spaces, with a capital G and a capital B. The use of "GoBlock", "GoBlock USA", and "GoBlock USA LLC" are all acceptable.
When adding a Trademark (TM), the mark should be placed after the "GoBlock" - as in "GoBlock(TM) USA". Superscript of the TM is preferred. All media produced should include one reference to a Trademark.
RGB Color
Blue = 0, 112, 192
Hex #0070C0
These logos may be utilized when referencing PickFlix in media. The name PickFlix and the horizontal logo are filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The horizontal logo should always show the (TM) as provided for in the logo file.
Logos may be resized to fit need. When resizing, the entire logo should stay in tact.
The PickFlix Horizontal logo is to be used whenever possible.
The PickFlix Token logo may be used when a circular or square format is required - without a trademark
The Movie Monster, and all derivations (their name is "Flik" BTW), are owned by GoBlock as a non-exclusive graphic, and must be used in conjunction with the horizontal trademarked logo, or the Token logo, or the written text of "PickFlix".
When writing the word PickFlix, it is to be written as one word, without spaces, with a capital P and a capital F. It may also be written in all capital letters.
When adding a Trademark (TM), the mark should be placed after the "PickFlix" - as in "PickFlix(TM)". Superscript of the TM is preferred. All media produced should include one reference to a Trademark.
RGB Colors
Blue = 40, 174, 228; HEX #28AEE4
Yellow = 255, 192, 18; HEX #ffc012
Green = 146, 208, 80; HEX #92D050
Gray = 188, 190, 192; HEX #bcbec0
Black (Logo) = 35, 31, 32; HEX #231f20
Black (Icon/Text) = 14, 17, 17; HEX #0e1111